Transition Curriculum in High School
Comprehensive Skills for Independence (C.S.I.) Classes
Transition has become a major focus and mandate of secondary students. Special Education case managers follow a six-step transition process for helping their students develop the transition skills needed to meet their post-secondary goals for training and education, employment, and independent living. The term "transition services" means a coordinated set of activities for a child with a disability that facilitate the child's movement from school to post-secondary activities, including post-secondary education, vocational education, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, adult services, independent living, and/or community participation.
This course has been Board of Education approved as a four (4) semester (one semester per year), required, elective course specifically designed for students with a disability identified through the SELPA Office as having an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Identified students are to participate in this course taught by their case manager during the semester of their annual IEP each year. However, families can opt out of this course/service annually through the IEP process.
WorkAbility I Program - Ed Code 56471(d)
WorkAbility project application shall include, but are not limited to, the following elements:
pre-employment skills training
vocational training
students wages for try-out employment
placement in unsubsidized employment
other assistance with transition to a quality adult life
utilization of an interdisciplinary advisory committee to enhance project goals
MUSD WorkAbility I Program:
Through this state program, MUSD funded to serve 45 students and place 15 students in a paid work experience.
For students to be eligible for the WorkAbility I Program they must be:
serviced under a current Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
meet and maintain state, district, and site criteria for a work permit
must be able to work independently
must be able to take care of self hygiene needs
must show ability to benefit from job experience
The WorkAbility I Program is a cooperative agreement between the Morongo Unified School District and Employers in the Morongo Basin. A successful application to the WorkAbility I Program does not guarantee employment: subsidized or unsubsidized.
WorkAbility I job positions and wages are limited to state allocated funds that fluctuate yearly. Once the yearly budget is announced by the state, the WorkAbility I Interdisciplinary Advisory Committee will review the funding to determine the number of students that can be placed in a subsidized position for that fiscal year. MUSD WorkAbility I endeavors to maintain student wages at the current California minimum wage. Historically, MUSD has been able to fund 50 students in paid work experience, way above the state required/projected number. We also serve 100+ with alternative services to employment.
Transition Partnership Program (TPP) with the Department of Rehabilitation
The Transition Partnership Program (TPP) is a cooperative agreement between the Morongo Unified School District and the Department of Rehabilitation.
For Students to be eligible for the TPP Program, students must be:
served under a current Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan
have a current psycho-evaluation report or current medical documentation stating disability
12th grade credit status and eligible to graduate at the end of the current school year
accepted as a client by the Department of Rehabilitation
The agreement between Morongo Unified School District and the Department of Rehabilitation identifies that 40 students will complete the "intake" process and participate in the TPP class per year.
The breakdown of available spots per site is approximately:
Black Rock High School - 4 students
Twentynine Palms High School - 18 students
Yucca Valley High School - 18 students
Students whose parent attends the Transition Orientation Night will have priority registration. The rest of the applications will be distributed on a given day and completed applications will be date stamped as they return. As applications return, the class will fill until quota is met. Students who did not get to participate in the TPP Program are eligible to self refer to the Department of Rehabilitation once they graduate school. The job developer/coach will orientate any eligible students in the self referral process.
Early Childhood Programs
Purpose and Scope of Early Childhood Education
The MUSD SELPA and the Inland Regional Center (IRC) actively and systematically seek out all children with disabilities from birth to age five to refer, assess and determine eligibility for special education services.
An Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) or an Individualized Education Program (IEP) will be developed by a multi-disciplinary team to identify the child's needs and plan appropriate services for the child and the family. MUSD SELPA works cooperatively with the Inland Regional Center and other appropriate public agencies to provide all necessary services.
Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) is for children birth to Age 3
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) is for children Age 3 to 22
Early Start Program Description (0-3 Years)
The Early Child Program (ECP) is a collaboration between the Inland Regional Center (IRC) and the Morongo Unified School District (MUSD). The ECP, through MUSD or IRC, shall include services specifically designed to meet the unique needs of infants, from birth to age 3 and their families. The primary purpose of an early education program is to enhance development of the infant in the context of his or her family. Services shall be provided in the natural environment (home, community) whenever possible.
Home-based services will be provided through a transdisciplinary team consisting of a group of professionals from various disciplines and the parent. Credentialed personnel with expertise in vision and hearing will be the primary providers of services to infants and toddlers with blindness and deafness, whenever possible. The frequency of home-based services shall typically be once or twice a week, depending on the needs of the infant and the family. Services are individually based according to the needs of the infant and family.
Please review the MUSD Infant & Toddler Learning Standards to see what is expected developmentally for your child!
Preschool Ages 3 - 5
Preschool children age three to five with disabilities will be identified through:
Child find activities (speech screening days, referrals from parents, preschools, physicians, members of the community and/or kindergarten teachers).
Children who are in transition from the Early Start Program and are assessed to be eligible to participate in preschool programs
MUSD works closely with Headstart and State preschool to provide services to eligible students.
Please check out the state Preschool Learning Standards to see what is expected developmentally for your child!
Contact Us
Elizabeth Sellers
SELPA Program Manager

Job Shadowing Experiences
Post-Secondary Community Supports
Valley Star in Yucca Valley in the Avalon Center off Highway 62
Morongo Basin Transit Authority (MBTA)
Scholarship Opportunities
180 Medical Scholarships