Education for Homeless Children and Unaccompanied Minors
Morongo Unified School District's McKinney-Vento Homeless Site
The McKinney-Vento Education of Homeless Children and Youth Assistance Act is a federal law that ensures immediate enrollment and educational stability for homeless children and youth. McKinney-Vento provides federal funding to states for the purpose of supporting district programs that serve homeless students.
The Morongo Unified School District shares the commitment to identify our homeless children and youth and help these students overcome the devastating impact of poverty and homelessness through educational success. All Morongo Unified School District homeless students are fully integrated and will not be segregated from their housed peers for academic instruction.
Please contact Morongo Unified School District McKinney-Vento Liaison with any questions.
Wayne Hamilton
McKinney Vento Liaison
Office : 760-367-9191 Ext 4308
Cell: (760) 401-0375