Oasis Wellness Policy

As we start a fresh, new school year, we announce our intention to uphold the MUSD Wellness Policy (rev. 2022). Please note the following guidelines for the school year as they pertain to food, celebrations, and our daily program. 
Class celebrations and parties 
Although not required, classes may decide to hold special celebrations around: 
1) Halloween  
2) End of semester/Winter Holiday 
3) Valentine’s Day 
4) End of year/Summer Holiday 
Outside of these, there should be no other parties, shared food, etc. For example, students should not bring food, cupcakes, or other items for individual birthday celebrations during the school day. The office staff will not hold (or deliver) these items. 
Daily snacks 
While we do not generally monitor outside food that students bring each day, we have noticed an increase in garbage around the school, both outside and inside the classroom, and we recorded increases in behavior issues resulting from snacks. Furthermore, we affirm the MUSD Wellness Policy position that “there is a relationship between students’ nutrition/health status, their school attendance, and ability to learn.” 
If students bring snacks from home, the snacks are to be kept in the student’s backpack or lunch container until the designated time. Students may eat the snacks at lunch or at a designated “snack break”. Students should not eat snacks inside the classroom outside of the organized class celebrations identified above. 
When students walk onto the school campus each day, there should be no snacks, drinks, or other consumables. Drinks should be stored in the student’s backpack or lunch container, just as snacks are. If a student arrives to school with immediate consumables, such as a drink from a local coffee shop or an open soda, it must be finished, discarded, or thrown away before the student enters the gate.