Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports

  • Bobcat Way

    • Take care of myself

    • Take care of others

    • Take care of this place

    • Learn with Tenacity and Grit

Our systems at Oasis are built on our community agreements.

At Oasis, our highest priority is to guide all students toward becoming successful, responsible 21st-century citizens. Our school-wide PAWS behavior system rewards positive efforts and actions across all areas of our campus. Our staff explicitly teaches expected behaviors and allows students to practice each within all settings. Every year, we hold school-wide assemblies to reinforce rules, expectations, rewards, and consequences to ensure all students fully understand our expectations for behavior and good citizenship at Oasis.

Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports - PBIS

The PBIS plan represents the behavioral expectations for all students. The rules and procedures, which are consistent with state law and with school board policy, were developed by a committee consisting of the principal, teachers, and families. All expectations are directly taught and modeled during the first weeks of school. This plan is reviewed and updated annually by the Oasis PBIS Committee.

Philosophy and Responsibilities

The students at Oasis are entitled to learn and develop in a positive educational environment which promotes academic achievement, school pride and spirit, and respect of self, others, and property. For this reason, and to ensure the safety and welfare of all children at Oasis, the enforcement of rules in a fair and consistent manner is necessary.

The Student is Responsible for:

·         Respecting the authority of teachers, principal, and all school staff to enforce district policy and school rules and regulations.

·         Behaving in classrooms and on school grounds in a manner that is safe and does not disrupt or interfere with the rights of other students to learn.

·         Following all classroom rules and procedures.

·         Attending school daily, being on time, and prepared for learning.

The Family is Responsible for:

·         Teaching and reinforcing appropriate behavior.

·         Reviewing school discipline rules and procedures with family members to ensure that all are familiar with and understand the standards of conduct expected by school authorities.

·         Cooperating with school officials in carrying out appropriate discipline penalties when such action is necessary.

·         Modeling behavior standards by following school rules and dressing appropriately while on school grounds.

·         Assuring that students are in class on time and prepared for learning.

The Teacher is Responsible for:

·         Teaching and reinforcing appropriate behavior.

·         Creating and maintaining a positive and orderly learning environment that provides every student the opportunity to learn without disruption.

·         Communicating with students and parents regarding behavioral successes and behavioral concerns with proposed solutions.

·         Taking appropriate steps to ensure that students are physically and emotionally safe.

The Principal is Responsible for:

·         Establishing rules, expectations, and responsibilities for staff, students, and parents that reflect the existing district, state, and federal laws.

·         Communicating behavioral expectations and consequences to staff, students, and parents.

·         Implementing a school-wide positive behavioral intervention system.

·         Enforcing disciplinary consequences and taking appropriate action to ensure the safety of children and adults on school grounds.

Positive Behavior Incentives

We work to highlight our Bobcats that are meeting expectations at school. PBIS Reward points are given throughout the day for showing a tenet of the Bobcat Way. Students earn tangible prizes for this behavior, but also learn to show compassion, respect, and empathy for others in the Oasis community.

  • PAWS Tickets

  • PBIS Reward Points

  • Teacher Economies

  • Verbal and Written Praise

  • Awards Ceremonies

  • Special Events

  • Bobcat Store

  • Success

Conflict Management

Children already use many strategies in dealing with conflict on their own. They negotiate, take turns, flip a coin, compromise, and many more. Oasis staff encourages children to utilize a variety of positive strategies to attempt to solve problems on their own, including:

·         talk it over/listen respectfully

·         walk away

·         say, “I’m sorry”

·         say, “stop” or “leave me alone”

·         take turns/share

·         ignore

·         ask an adult for help

·         do something else

When a conflict involves physical contact, profanity, or a threat, the students are taught to report it immediately to the adult in charge. Students who observe this type of behavior and report it are recognized as good citizens who keep others safe. If students engage in physical contact, profanity, or threats, they will receive appropriate consequences. Responding to aggressive behavior with aggression escalates the conflict and is not tolerated. Such aggression will result in appropriate consequences.