Principal's Corner

Principal of Oasis Elementary School Jessica Miller

Message from the Principal

Dear Oasis Elementary School Community,

Welcome to the 2024 - 2025 school year! I hope you all had a relaxing and fun summer break. I am proud to continue serving as the Principal for the second year and to support the students of Oasis. This year, the Morongo Unified School District's theme is "Innovate. Lead. Achieve." We will incorporate these concepts into all aspects of our school. At Oasis Elementary, we are committed to pursuing academic excellence and promoting our students' social and emotional well-being with a focus on equity and inclusion.

I extend a warm and heartfelt welcome to all new families joining us this year, whether you are transferring from another school within the district or have relocated from another city, state, or country. We are thrilled to introduce you to Oasis Elementary's unique offerings and are confident that you will soon feel a part of our special community. Our educators, support staff, families, and other education partners are eagerly waiting to embrace you as part of the Bobcat Nation.

Our teachers and staff are not just ready but eager to meet their new students and embark on this year's journey. They have been working tirelessly to finalize classes and schedules, engage in professional development opportunities, and update our instructional models, class routines, and expectations to ensure academic success and a strong sense of community for our students. Our primary goal is to ensure student proficiency in core academic subjects, and as such, we will continue refining our teaching methods with a focus on writing. We will also integrate social justice standards, community-building techniques, restorative justice practices, and social and emotional support strategies into our students' daily school experience. Together, we will pave the way for our students to become self-directed learners, team players, critical thinkers, and responsible citizens. Moreover, we will continue to provide intervention services for neurodiverse learners through specialized programs, counseling, and teaching and learning strategies.

Please make sure to read the Oasis Outlook each month. It contains important information from the school, PTO, Morongo Unified, City of Twentynine Palms, and other community partners. Links to each month's Outlook are posted on our website.

I am looking forward to starting the new school year and continuing our collaboration to provide your children with a practical and engaging educational experience. We deeply appreciate and rely on our families to be positive partners in their children's academic journey. At Oasis, we prioritize working together as a caring and compassionate learning community with professionalism, teamwork, action, and expertise. We always prioritize the best interests of our students. Join us in ensuring the success of all Oasis students. Stay healthy, stay positive, and stay connected.

Feel free to email me at the address below or call to schedule an appointment if you would like to discuss any ideas that could make this the best year yet.


Choose Joy,

 Dr. Jess Miller


Cell: 279-901-1266


Instagram: @oasisbobcats

Threads: @oasisbobcats

Facebook: Oasis Elementary School

Contact Us

Dr. Jessica Miller


Dr. Mundy Viar

Assistant Principal

Amber Harman

Administrative Assistant to the Principal

Office: (760)367-3595