Student Drop Off

Parents should drop off students in the crosswalk area by the lower main blue gate in our front parking lot off El Paseo. Please wait in line to drop off your child. Do not pass other cars, even if there seems to be room ahead, and do not drop off your child between the parked cars in the middle of the parking lot. Once a group of cars has dropped off their students and moved forward, the next line of cars can come forward. Those extra few seconds you take to follow this procedure can prevent a tragic accident. After dropping off your child, please proceed slowly and cautiously through the exit lane. 

NOTE: You can greatly help ensure an efficient drop-off by making sure your child is ready to exit the car with their lunch, backpack, jacket, etc., packed and ready! If your child needs assistance to exit, please park in the parking lot and help them across the crosswalk. 

If you wish to accompany your child onto campus in the morning, you must legally park in the parking lot, enter the office, sign in, get a visitor pass, and then walk onto campus. 

Parking in the red fire lane in front of the office is prohibited at any time of day.

Student Pick Up

Families should enter the front parking lot and follow the curb until the stop sign. Please have your assigned dash number visible to staff members on the sidewalk and at the entrance. Staff members will use the radio to call out dash numbers and have students sent through the gate to their awaiting family vehicles. Once in your car, drivers must proceed cautiously and watch for pedestrians. 

If you are walking to pick up your student, please meet the Oasis staff member at the front gate. They will take your family number and go retrieve your student from the classroom. Please use crosswalks at all times, and it will be your responsibility to cross safely with your student at the end of the day. 

No foul language, aggressive attitudes, or verbal/physical confrontations are to be used at any time. Please help keep our kids safe and secure and be good role models for our future generation. 

Any student walking must be labeled in the “Parent Portal” as either West or East Walker. We encourage you not to make your student a walker unless they are walking home. When students are labeled walkers and released after school, they are not supervised as they walk to your car. 

No exceptions will be made without proper notification or changes to the student’s online profile. 

If a family member wishes to use a different pick-up method at the end of the day instead of what is noted in Synergy, the office must be notified by 2:00 PM to make changes and communicate that information to the teacher in time. 

Teachers and staff serve as supervisors to ensure the safety of your children. Please be respectful of their directions; they are here to help. Thank you for your consideration and attention to these policies and procedures. Your support is appreciated!