Vision Statement
Preparing our Students to Embrace the Future
Mission Statement
Through continuous assessment, ongoing interventions and support, and a rigorous curriculum balanced with engagement in a comprehensive co-curricular and extra-curricular program, YVHS produces graduates who are prepared contributors, respectful citizens, independent learners, determined achievers, and effective communicators.
School-Wide Learner Outcomes (SWLOs)
Yucca Valley High School Learners exhibit P.R.I.D.E. in their learning
Prepared Contributors (College and Career Readiness Indicator)
Increase the number of Advanced Placement Passing Scores
Increase completion of College Credit Courses
Increase the number of State Seal of Biliteracy recipients
Increase the A-G Completion Rate
Increase the number of CTE Pathway Completers
Respectful Citizens (Suspension Rate Indicator)
Decrease the number of In-school/Out of School Suspensions
Increase the number of students reporting school connectedness, meaningful participation, and perception of safety on campus through reporting on the CHKS.
Increase the number of AB3 Ticket Recipients.
Increase Involvement in Co-/Extra-curricular Programs
Independent Learners (Graduation Rate Indicator)
Increase the number of Four-year Cohort Graduates
Increase the Grade Level Progress toward Graduation
Increase the Schoolwide Passage Rate for Semester Courses
Determined Achievers (Standardized Test Performance Indicator)
Increase the percentage of Standard Met Scores on CAASPP (ELA/Math)
Increase the percentage of Standard Met and Nearly Met Scores on CAASPP (ELA/Math)
Effective Communicators (English Learner Progress Indicator)
Increase the number of English learners who have Increased 1 ELPI Level on the ELPAC
Increase the number of English learners who have Maintained ELPI Level 4 on the ELPAC
Improve CAASPP Scores for Reading, Speaking and Listening for English Learners
Directions to YVHS
Quick Facts
Office Hours: 6:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Main Office Phone: (760) 365-3391
Principal: Deanna Skinta -- x3001
Principal's Administrative Assistant: Tracey Hunter -- x3002
Assistant Principal (A-M): Nick Aguilera -- x3108
Dean of Students: Nicole Parks -- x3208
Assistant Principals' Administrative Assistant: Kerstin Neumuller -- x3004
Athletic Director: --Jeremy Johnson x3016
Activities Director: Ariana Rodriguez & Jacquelyn Martin
Athletics & Activities Clerk: Rhiannon Weiss -- x3020
Counseling (760) 365-1138
Counselor (10th grade & 9th grade w/ last name A-G): William Gauthier
Counselor (11th grade & 9th grade w/ last name H-N): Sharon Gerber
Counselor (12th grade & 9th grade w/ last name O-Z): Julie Karchuc
Counseling Secretary: Happy Kanuch -- x3012
Registrar: Gerri Washington -- x3013
Attendance: (760) 365-3391
Linda Atkinson -- x 3007
Melinda Taylor -- x3006
Other Contacts
Cafeteria: Teresa Roeber (Manager) -- x3168
Library: Lisa Cowlin -- x3017
Nurse/Health Technician: Tiffany Milward-- x3017
Psychologist: Randy Berry -- x3170
Campus Safety Coordinator: Destiny Sevigny -- x5005
Transition: Ashley Hernandez -- x3178