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Eric Ross
Secondary Campus Supervisor
School Site
Erin Hilliard
Counselor-High School
Genevieve Pefley
In Asst/Sp Ed
Special Education
Gerard Gorski
Teacher-High School
School Site
Jake Culver
Teacher-High School
School Site
James Wright
Jaymee Culver
Teacher-High School
School Site
Jean Caravella
Teacher-High School
School Site
Jeremy Curtis
Jessica Montoya
Teacher-High School
School Site
John Annala
Teacher-High School
School Site
Jonathan Price
In Asst/Classroom
School Site
Joseph Ingram
Teacher-High School
School Site
Joshua Art
Teacher-High School
School Site
Jouise Black
In Asst/Sev Disabled
Special Education
Julissa Ortiz
Nutritional Svc Wkr
Food Services
Kasandra Bienhoff
Teacher-High School
School Site
Katelin Gellness
Culinary Arts CTE Instructor
School Site
Katelyn Berridge
Teacher-High School
School Site
Kent Weiss
Medical Terminology CTE Instructor
School Site