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Alma Olvera
Teacher-High School
School Site
Angela Fontecchio
In Asst/Sped
Special Education
Blanca Murcia-Alvarado
In Asst- Bi-Lingual Esl
School Site
Brian Ricards
Teacher-High School
School Site
Brianna Tucker
Nutritional Svc Wkr
Food Services
Brittney Corney
School Site
Brooke Cikauskas
Teacher-Spec Ed/Ld-SDC
School Site
Caressa Mcgowan
Carrie Collins
In Asst-Scia
School Site
Catherine Davidson
Campus Safety Coord
School Site
Cesar Viteri
Teacher-Spec Ed/Adptd Pe
Special Education
Christina Gonzales
Nutritional Svc Wkr
Food Services
Crystal Mason
Teacher-High School
School Site
Cynthia Lopez
In Asst/Sp Ed
Special Education
David Lopez
Criminal Justice Cte Instructo
School Site
Dawn Sutton
Nutritional Svc Wkr-Lead
Food Services
Deborah Hearnshaw
Nutritional Svc Wkr
Food Services
Dionna Crippen
Office Asst-School
School Site
Eileen Adams
Teacher-High School
School Site
Eric Tili
Teacher-High School
School Site