Procedures for Parents on Campus
In order to improve and ensure the safety of the students on campus the following procedures have been implemented Thank you for your support in making our campus a safe place to be.
Parents who wish to walk their students to class may do so after they go to the office, sign in and show ID.
Once, signed in they will receive a visitor badge. The visitor badge must be worn on the front of their person, where it is visible. This is so it is clear the visitor has checked in through the office. Visitors must sign out when leaving campus.
Only staff and students are allowed on the playground or in the cafeteria.
While on campus parents should not interact with other students. Only interaction with their child/children is permitted.
If you have not been fingerprinted and cleared as a volunteer you must leave when the first bell rings at 8:25.
Volunteers will receive a sticker from the office with their name and “volunteer” printed on the button. This must be worn at all times.
Only volunteers and those who have obtained prior approval will be permitted to be on campus during school hours.
If a parent wishes to observe a classroom 24 hour notice is required.
If parent would like to set up a conference with the teacher please contact the teacher by phone, email, or note to set up this meeting.
Students will be called to the office if a parent needs to speak with them, or they need to pick up something that has been dropped off.
To be on school grounds you must sign in, show ID, and obtain a visitors badge.
Visitors badge must be worn on the front of their person.
Playground is off limits.
Please stay only in the area in which your business pertains to.
Failure to follow these procedures may result in a person not being allowed on campus.
Thank you for doing your part in helping keep our students safe.