Parent Involvement
Family engagement remains critical to student achievement. Ongoing research shows that family engagement in schools improves student achievement, reduces absenteeism, and restores parents’ confidence in their children’s education. Students with involved parents or other caregivers earn higher grades and test scores, have better social skills, and show improved behavior.
Becoming active in a school’s parent group is an important way to increase involvement. Involvement also encompasses:
Setting goals with children and fostering achievement of those goals;
Accessing and using children’s academic scores to ensure they’re on track;
Frequently viewing the parent portal (or whichever tool their school uses);
Developing a relationship with children’s teachers and keeping in touch with them often; and
Advocating for improvements in the school building and with local school boards and state and federal government to ensure schools have the resources they need to provide a world class education to every student.
The most significant type of involvement is what parents do at home. By monitoring, supporting and advocating, parents can be engaged in ways that ensure that their children have every opportunity for success.