Bullying Prevention
TPJHS Anti- Bullying Policy
TPJHS is committed to stopping bullying, in part, because middle-grade students are the most likely age group to be involved in bullying. Bullying is a conscious, willful, and deliberate hostile activity intended to harm, induce fear through the threat of further aggression, and create terror. Bullying always includes an imbalance of power, the intent to harm, and the threat of further aggression. In more extreme cases, terror is added to the equation. Bullies feel that they are entitled to privilege and can dominate others; they have an intolerance of others who they feel are inferior. They believe they have the right to exclude or isolate others.
TPJHS promotes positive peer relations.
Bullying in any form is not acceptable.
All students and staff at TPJHS have the right to be free from the victimization of others.
Everyone is responsible for reporting and discouraging bullying and/or victimization to an adult.
Parents and students are encouraged to contact school personnel with their concerns about bullying, taunting, and victimizing of those attending TPJHS.
Those that bully or taunt will be disciplined according to the Behavior Matrix.
Bullying vs Teasing

California Education Code (Bullying)